person holding shapes of family in handsAbout Be Vital Chiropractic

Our Philosophy

At Be Vital Chiropractic, we take a total-person view of health and strive to help clients change their consciousness regarding what it means to be healthy. We want to help you understand the choices and events that brought you to your current state and educate you about creating a life with the vitality you desire. Vitality is about more than simply being free of symptoms or pain—vitality is life force, resilience and achieving your highest potential.

We provide customised chiropractic care and functional nutrition for clients from infants through the elderly in a sharp, relaxed and homely environment. Our warm, family-friendly atmosphere helps people feel comfortable, and our professional approach helps them feel confident in our care.

photo of our team

Our History

After graduating from New Zealand College of Chiropractic, Dr David Comely practised in Auckland for a couple of years, and then in Wellington for a decade. He chose to open our studio here in order to provide family care to people living and working in the countryside. He loves being part of the community with a country feel that’s just a few minutes’ drive from town.

Working in a family-oriented area gives Dr Comely the opportunity to create change in families and help children grow up with a different approach to health.

Our Approach

Helping people adapt to the stress of life and increase resilience comes from creating better balance in the nervous system and teaching the body to better regulate itself. Chiropractic adjustments provide the support the body needs to unlearn patterns of compensation that have contributed to the symptoms of pain and dysfunction. Functional medicine addresses nutritional deficiencies and uses herbal and homoeopathic remedies to help speed the healing process.

The stress of our busy lives can diminish our health. We offer the body the support it needs to use its own wisdom to create change and wellness.

Book Today

Contact our office today to schedule, or book online.


About Be Vital Chiropractic | 07 533 3811