Caffeine’s Impact on Your Health

people drinking coffeeCaffeine, which is the most commonly consumed stimulant for the central nervous system is increasingly becoming an acquired resource for functioning within the work place. But is it consumed only for this reason, or does caffeine have properties which our brain craves when we are deprived of it?

Caffeine speeds up the cells throughout the body (increases metabolism) and floods the brain with dopamine and serotonin – feel good hormones. By the same token caffeine increases our production of metabolic waste and reduces blood flow to the brain. The key organs involved in the production of metabolic waste (detoxification) are the liver, colon and kidneys. When these organs are put into overdrive, our body is programmed to naturally down regulate other processes in order to keep up with the demand. As this negative feedback occurs, we begin to experience symptoms of lethargy, weight gain and a shift in mood – the flow-on effect from being wired by caffeine.

It takes up to 6 hours for our body to recycle the effects of caffeine, which therefore means it wouldn’t be ideal to consume a coffee after 2pm if you intend on a restful night’s sleep. If you find yourself as being overly stressed, and are consistently in a “fight or flight” (sympathetic) state, caffeine will only heighten this state and push you further into becoming sympathetic dominant. You are throwing wood onto a fire you don’t want to burn.

The other end of the stick lies in the parasympathetic system another branch of the central nervous system. This is our “rest and digest” state and its where all the magic happens – healing, sleep, repair, growth and digestion. A study by Welch & Boone in 2008 shows that Chiropractic care works by addressing the central nervous system, and provides assistance in up-regulating the parasympathetic system. Taking active steps such as getting adjusted by a Chiropractor, stretching and meditation are only a few of the steps in achieving optimal function and health. Talk to your chiropractor about strategies to reduce or cease your caffeine intake and if you aren’t currently getting adjusted, get in touch with us to discuss how Chiropractic can help you.

Welch, A., & Boone, R. (2008). Sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to specific diversified adjustments to chiropractic vertebral subluxations of the cervical and thoracic spine. Journal of chiropractic medicine, 7(3), 86-93.


Caffeine Health Impacts | Be Vital Chiropractic