Chiropractic Care: A Natural Solution for Back Pain Relief

back adjustmentBack pain is one of the most common health complaints in New Zealand, significantly affecting daily life and overall well-being. Traditional methods like surgery and opioid medications have long been prescribed, but recent evidence suggests these approaches may not always be the best option. Chiropractic care offers a natural, non-invasive alternative to managing back pain, helping you get back to enjoying life without the risks associated with surgery or painkillers.

The Drawbacks of Surgery and Opioid Medications

Surgery, while sometimes necessary, often involves significant risks and costs. Orthopaedic surgeon Professor Ian Harris notes, “Surgery is often ineffective for chronic pain, particularly in areas like the back, neck, and hips. Many spinal surgeries, such as fusions, show no greater improvement than placebo procedures.”2
Opioid medications, which were commonly prescribed for back pain, carry the dangers of addiction and overdose. A recent study found “no significant difference in pain reduction between opioid and placebo groups for acute low back pain,” raising concerns about their usefulness in managing chronic pain. Long-term use can lead to dependency and other harmful side effects.4

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care provides an alternative that focuses on the root cause of pain rather than masking symptoms. Here are a few key advantages:

  • Non-Invasive Approach: Chiropractic involves hands-on spinal adjustments to improve joint mobility and function, avoiding surgical risks. According to a review in JAMA, spinal manipulation “is associated with moderate improvements in both pain and function for patients with acute lower back pain.”1
  • Reduced Reliance on Medications: By addressing the underlying issues causing pain, we help manage discomfort without the need for opioid painkillers. Dr Jenna Duehr, chiropractor and spokesperson for the New Zealand Chiropractic Association, points out, “Evidence-informed recommendations on non-surgical interventions clearly support the use of chiropractic techniques. Chiropractic care focuses on the body’s natural ability to heal, reducing the reliance on medications and the risks that come with them.”
  • Cost-Effective: Published research found patients receiving chiropractic care for back pain had lower overall healthcare costs than those undergoing conventional care.3

Take Control of Your Back Pain Naturally

At Be Vital Chiropractic, we provide evidence-informed, patient-centred care that helps you avoid the risks of surgery and medications. As Dr Jenna Duehr notes, “Chiropractic care plays an essential role in keeping people active and out of hospitals.” If you’re struggling with back pain, consider chiropractic care a safer, more natural way to regain your quality of life.

Get Started today

Call us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey toward better health.


  1. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). (2017). “Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Acute Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” [Journal Reference]
  2. New Zealand Pain Society (NZPS) Conference. (2024). “Presentation by Professor Ian Harris.” [Conference Reference]
  3. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT). (2016). “Cost of Care for Patients with Back Pain from Chiropractic vs. Medical Treatment.” [Journal Reference]
  4. The Lancet. (2023). “Opioid Analgesia for Acute Low Back Pain and Neck Pain (the OPAL Trial): A Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial.” [Journal Reference]

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