Meet Dr David Comely (Chiropractor)

Dr. David ComelyGet to Know Our Chiropractor

I fractured my skull at just one year of age and as I grew the impact of this was obvious in the way I walked, in my posture and even in my lack of self-confidence. At around eight years old I received chiropractic and this helped me remarkably. Over time I was able to function much better in my walking and eventually move on to compete in basketball at representative level throughout my teens. This experience along with seeing the benefits for my mum who suffered severe headaches and neck and jaw pain; was what led me to a career in chiropractic care.

After graduating in 2007 and learning for some years from a few masterful chiropractors in Auckland, I then moved to Wellington. Here I created a thriving brand of practices while mentoring numerous young chiropractors coming through. As the family grew with the arrival of our third child, my wife Cheryl and I chose to move to rural Tauranga so we can enjoy a change in lifestyle and more quality family time. We’re really enjoying the lifestyle and community here and I’m excited to play a key role in creating a more vital community in our area.

Not Your Regular Chiropractor

Since graduating from five years of study at the New Zealand College of Chiropractic, I’ve completed my international certification in Applied Kinesiology which enables me to look at retained neonatal reflexes, cranial faults, extremity corrections, specialised spinal and muscle techniques, nutritional deficiencies and stress management.

I then spent time with Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride in Australia, completing the Gut and Psychology/Physiology Syndrome Practitioner Certification programme along with completing my Primary qualifications through the Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). I enjoy regularly attending various nutrition courses and chiropractic technique seminars.


Dr David adjusting client

Who Do We Help

My passion lies in helping people get the most out of life. My role in doing this is to support people to have greater performance, balance, adaptability and resilience. When there’s a clearer connection between the brain and body we’re able to bring our best from a performance standpoint in the sports arena and also in our work and art.

I love working with mums to help them better adapt to stress and to raise their awareness around nutrition, headspace, self-care and exercise. A lot of these mums eventually bring their children spouse as they notice the benefits of care, which I really enjoy as a healthier more vital family is a more loving and joyful family.

A number of the children I work with are looking for support with integrating retained reflexes that impact their ease of learning or their behaviour and stress response.

It’s interesting, with the modern lifestyle and load of life, a lot of people have gut complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, reflux, bloating or gut pain. People are surprised to learn how much these conditions are linked to lifestyle factors and our stress response. It’s a good feeling to be part of raising their awareness and supporting better function in their system.

We’re always open to anybody who would love to take a close look at their health and be more vital. I consider myself an excellent listener and I hope I get the opportunity to meet you and discuss your specific health challenges and how I can support you. Contact us today – we’d love to hear from you!


Dr David Comely | 07 533 3811