Full GAPS Food List
Click the following links to download our printable GAPS food list or GAPS Dairy Free food list.
MEATS (Fresh or Frozen)
- Beef
- Chicken
- Duck
- Fish
- Fish, canned in its juice or oil
- Game
- Goose
- Lamb
- Liver
- Pheasant
- Pigeon
- Pork
- Poultry
- Quail
- Shellfish
- Turkey
- Almond Oil
- Avocado Oil
- Butter
- Chicken Fat
- Coconut oil
- Duck Fat
- Ghee, home-made
- Goose Fat
- Lamb Fat
- Lard
- Olive oil, virgin coldpressed
- Pork Dripping
- Tallow
- Artichoke, French
- Asparagus
- Black radish
- Bok Choy
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Celeriac
- Celery
- Collard greens
- Cucumber
- Eggplant (Aubergine)
- Garlic
- Kale
- Lettuce, all kinds
- Mushrooms
- Onions
- Peppers, green, yellow, red, orange
- Rhubarb
- Spinach
- Summer Squash
- String beans
- Turnips
- Watercress
- Zucchini (Courgette)
- “SWEET” Vegetables
- Winter Squash
- Beets or beetroot
- Carrots
- Peas, dried split and fresh green
- Pumpkin
- Apples
- Apricots, fresh or dried
- Bananas (ripe only with
- brown spots on the skin)
- Berries, all kinds
- Cherimoya (custard apple or sharifa)
- Cherries
- Dates, fresh or dried without any additives (not soaked in syrup)
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Kiwi fruit
- Kumquats
- Lemons
- Limes
- Mangoes
- Melons
- Nectarines
- Oranges
- Papayas
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pineapples, fresh
- Prunes, dried, no additives or in their own juice
- Raisins
- Tangerines
- Tomato puree, pure, no additives apart from salt
- Tomato juice, no additives apart from salt
- Tomatoes
- Ugly fruit
- Satsumas
- Beet Kvass
- Cabbage Rejuvelac Cortido (Latin American Sauerkraut)
- Fermented Beets
- Fermented Carrots
- Fermented Garlic
- Fermented Green Beans
- Fermented Guacamole
- Fermented Onion Relish
- Fermented Peppers
- Fermented Turnips
- Fermented Ketchup
- Fermented Mayonnaise
- Fermented Radishes
- Fermented Salsa
- Kefir, Milk
- Kefir, Water
- Kimchi
- *Kombucha
- *Mead (made with honey
- not sugar)
- Pickles, no sugar or nonallowed
- ingredients
- Sauerkraut
- *Soured milk (homemade
- only)
- Young Coconut Kefir
SPICES (pure powder – no NAI)
- Black, white and red pepper (ground and pepper corns)
- Cayenne pepper
- Cinnamon
- Citric acid
- Coriander, fresh or dried
- Dill, fresh or dried
- Ginger root, fresh
- Herbs, fresh or dried
- Nutmeg
- Parsley
- Mustard seeds
- Spices, single
- (soaked and properly prepared)
- Navy Beans, dried, white
- Lima beans (dried and fresh)
- Lentils
- Capers
- Cellulose in supplements
- Eggs, fresh
- Honey, natural
- Juices, freshly pressed from permitted fruit and vegetables
- Olives preserved no sugar no NAI
- Pure Bicarbonate of Soda (for baking)
- Vinegar (cider or white)
- * Raw Coconut Sap Vinegar
ADVANCED FOODS (With advanced healing, please see FAQs)
- * Chia Seed
- *Cocoa/Cacao Powder,
- pure
- * Flax Seed
- Almonds
- Almond Butter
- Brazil nuts
- Cashew nuts, fresh only
- Chestnuts
- Coconut, fresh or dried
- (shredded) no additives
- Filberts
- Hazelnuts
- Pecans
- Nut flour or ground nuts
- (usually ground blanched
- almonds)
- Nuts, all kinds freshly
- shelled, not roasted, salted
- or coated
- Walnuts
- Peanut butter, without
- additives
- Peanuts, fresh or roasted
- in their shells
- Asiago cheese
- Blue cheese
- Brick cheese
- Brie cheese
- Camembert cheese
- Cheddar cheese
- Colby cheese
- Edam cheese
- Milk Kefir
- Gorgonzola cheese
- Gouda cheese
- Havarti cheese
- Limburger cheese
- Monterey cheese
- Muenster cheese
- Parmesan cheese
- Port du Salut cheese
- Roquefort cheese
- Romano cheese
- Stilton cheese
- Swiss cheese
- Uncreamed cottage
- cheese (dry curd)
- Yogurt, home-made
TRANSITIONAL FOODS (After 18 mos to 2 yrs on GAPS)
- Buckwheat (properly prepared)
- Millet
- Quinoa
- Red Potatoes, new
NAI (Not Allowed Ingredients) * = Newly approved foods

Full GAPS Food List | 07 533 3811