Glutamate Guide

What are they?

Glutamates are essential for our bodies, they are the most common form of glutamic acid found in our bodies. Glutamic acid is an abundant amino acid which our bodies are able to create without ingesting through our food. Glutamates are important neurotransmitters in the brain and are critical to brain development and function; however, they are also a stimulant, and too much of a stimulant can have adverse affects.

There are two types of glutamates: bound and free. Bound glutamates are those still in their whole form. Free glutamates are no longer attached to the amino acid and spike the level of glutamates in the blood stream. In order to reduce spikes of glutamate in the blood stream, following a diet which reduces the amount of food containing free glutamates may help.

Ingredients containing free glutamate

Monosodium glutamate Monopotassium glutamate
Yeast extract Anything “hydrolyzed”
Calcium caseinate Autolyzed yeast
Textured protein Gelatin
Soy protein and soy sauce Whey protein
Carrageenan Bouillon and broth
Stock “Flavors” or “flavoring”
Maltodextrin Citric acid
Pectin Milk powder
Corn starch Corn syrup
Modified food starch

Natural foods containing free glutamate

Broccoli Bone broths and meats cooked for long times
Dairy casein Foods matured, cured, or preserved, such as matured cheeses and meats
Fish sauce Grape juice
Malted barley used in breads and beer Mushrooms
Peas Ripe tomatoes
Soy sauce and soy protein Walnuts
Wheat gluten

For more information, read the article by Amy Nett, MD from


Be Vital Chiropractic Glutamate Guide | Be Vital Chiropractic