New Clients at Be Vital Chiropractic

Your Initial Visit

When you come in for your initial consultation at Be Vital Chiropractic, our friendly staff will greet you and make you feel welcome. Our goal for this visit is to gain an in-depth understanding of your total health situation. Dr Comely will sit down and discuss what has brought you to our studio and work out what your goals are and what you hope to achieve. We’ll explain how working with us may be able to help you meet those goals and get more out of life.

Next, we’ll conduct a number of tests to assess distortions and imbalances in your nervous system, your mobility and range of motion, and how well messages from the brain are getting to the muscles. Then we’ll do your first adjustment.

You should plan on being with us for about one hour for this visit.

Your Second Visit

At your next appointment, we’ll go over all that we learned from your initial visit and explain what’s causing your current symptoms. We’ll discuss what the journey forward to reach your goals looks like. This journey is very much a team approach, and we’ll explain what your role is in your healing, as well as what we’ll do.

We’ll create a plan of action that’s workable for you. Then we’ll begin your care plan at this visit.

Empowering You

We want to empower you to be an active participant in creating your own health and optimal vitality. We’ll answer all of your questions and help you understand the factors that have led you to your current condition. Then we’ll give you the tools and education to create a new path for yourself and your family—a path that leads to true wellness and the ability to express all that you want to in life.

Schedule Care Today

We care for clients from a few hours to a hundred years old, helping each client achieve their unique potential. Contact us today to book. You may also use our online booking system.


New Clients at Be Vital Chiropractic | 07 533 3811